Monday, August 29, 2011

My Grandma was a Wonderful Lady

As you may or may not have heard, my paternal grandmother, Grandma Shirl, passed away on August 18th 2011.
The night after her memorial service I wrote a reflective entry in my journal that I would like to share with you.

I think there are ideals which my grandmother lived by that everyone should learn from.

August 27th 2011
~10:00 PM

Today was Grandmas memorial service. She was a very inspiring woman. I want to take from her, among other things, the drive that she had. I love that she was the type of woman who never complained. Instead, when the going got rough, she rolled up her sleeves and worked even harder.
Grandma Shirl was a master at keeping a welcoming homestead. My dad was telling me today that before school every morning there would be a delicious hot breakfast (french toast, pancakes, oatmeal etc.) for the 5 kids. Amazing.
Now I know that I'll never be all the wonderful things my grandma was, I am okay with that because I am myself and will do my own wonderful things. I do know that I would like to work towards a couple of ideals however...

-Eat well for your body, there is plenty of deserts and over indulgence to be had when you're working towards death. But when you are vigorously attacking a life in full throttle, you must eat well balanced and highly nutritious meals. (Grandma Shirl was a health nut, but after Grandpa Al passed she gave into her cravings more and became more over indulgent with her desserts.)

- Conduct yourself in a manner that commands respect and warm regards. And treat others this way as well.

-Dress yourself in a timeless fashion. Trends come and go, class is always in style and will keep your budget in line as well.

-Be disciplined for yourself and stern with others. Do not do something you know you shouldn't be doing. Restrain from that temptation and remind others to do the same

-Love your family unconditionally and welcome anybody in with open arms.

Grandma, life is worth living, and boy did you live it up! I hope to squeeze life for all it has as well.
-Madeleine Jane Culbertson