Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day Nine on the Master Cleanse

A friend came to visit yesterday, which made it much easier to stay distracted. It is hard finding social things to do in cleveland that don't revolve around food.

I'll admit today was a pretty rough day, for some reason I felt nauseous for a large portion of the day. I think another reason today was rough is because the end is so close and I allowed myself to fantasize about it a little too much.

I got a little too over achiever and had 3 glasses of the Laxative tea and in the end I think it didn't help the cleanse work properly, I'm sticking to just the 2 cups morning and night from now on.

My skin is not getting better, in fact it has only gotten worse, which is probably just a sign of what kind of toxins are in my body. The good thing is that as soon as a breakout comes it starts to go away, I haven't had many of the lingering ones. I'm pretty confident that with a little more time on the cleanse my skin would eventually clear up, but I'm not sure that I'm ready to take this challenge past the ten day mark quite yet.

I have 24 hours left until I am officially in the Ease-out stage of the cleanse, I've almost made it!!

I wanted to really quickly address Marc's question about healthy practices to battle the late night cravings. Every one works differently, but here is what I have been doing to stay strong to the end of the night;
- Mentally keep myself away from the thought of food
- Read a good book
- Go to bed early
- Think about how great my body feels because of this cleanse
- Think about how the day is almost over and I'm that much closer to the end
- Keep myself out of the kitchen

Thanks for the question! don't hesitate to ask questions ever after my cleanse is over and done with.


  1. hi! i'm so happy for you! being done tomorrow. i'm on day 4. i was wondering how do you deal with the salt water flush? i can't stand it and almost cried drinking it yesterday haha it's so bad.

  2. @ nyia

    Congrats on starting the master cleanse! I tried to take it slow and split the amount of water into two glasses and would drink half of each glass at a time. I looked up some exercises but the only thing I found to make me feel less sick would be rubbing my stomach.
    In the end the flush never worked for me, and I just did the Laxative tea in the morning and night. I don't think it was really any less cleansing for me to do that, you just have to go to the bathroom a little more frequently throughout the day instead of one big bang in the morning.

    Hope this helps!

    Maddy Jane
