Monday, July 18, 2011

Sustainability - Shopping!

Everybody, The master cleanse and ease out went swimmingly! I think Next time I do it it will last longer, and I will ease out in the proper fashion. :/

Now that I am done with my Master Cleanse experience however, I am feeling out where I would really like to concentrate this blog. I am a very eco-conscious consumer as well as a human rights advocate, so sustainability is a big word in my life.

Sustainability can be a hard word to define, click here to view wikipedia's best crack at it. But here's mine;

For something to be sustainable means that it comes from a renewable resource, or the model that it follows is one that will not ware out as time continues. Purchasing a sustainable product promotes causes such as recycling/ waste reduction, Fighting against human rights violations in sweat factories (fair trade), and encouraging a more cyclic pattern of materialism rather than a linear one.

Whenever possible I try to shop for a sustainable wardrobe; either at thrift stores, vintage or exchange shops or some other sustainable type of venue. Examples of these kind of stores are the following;

- Thrift stores = United thrift, salvation army
- Vintage = Usually more boutique independently owned type of things (Vintage suit in this post came from The Cleveland Auction Company)
- Exchange Shops = Platoes closet, Avalon Exchange (in coventry, Cle Hts Ohio)
- Other = Fair Trade boutiques such as Ten Thousand Villages or  Revive Store in Lyndhurst Ohio, having a clothing exchange with your friends/ family, or supporting a local or online artist.

Below are examples of some items I've found at such shops

All the JCU Fair Trade interns from 2010-2011 are wearing Fair Trade from Revive Store in Legacy and on Lee Rd.

Vintage Pink Skirt Suit

Skirt from thrift store

Halloween outfit (Belle from Beauty & the Beast if you couldn't tell ;] ). Home made out of gold material and tank top from thrift store.

Dress for a dance borrowed from a good friend :]

These are just a few examples of how you can still look fabulous by shopping sustainably!
Hope you've enjoyed my post! comment back with opinions please!

Peace and Love <3

-Maddy Jane


  1. Looking dazzling as always! Also a good way to ball on a budget

  2. Would love to see you tackle the different "Types" of shopping to educate us, accessories, furniture, do we make a difference with ALL the different types of stuff we buy? ~Your OLD friend with tiny shoes

  3. SUCH glamorous posts!! I had no idea how accessible it was! So informative! Love it!
