Monday, July 11, 2011

Day Seven on the Master Cleanse

And I'm back!

Sorry about the short post on friday, I didn't have much time after work to pack up and go on my trip.

A little bit about vacationing on the cleanse;
-It is not for the faint hearted
-Know that people will try to get you to eat
-Be able to stand up for yourself and defend your decision
-Make sure you bring enough of everything you need!
-Stay strong! the people you go with will be amazed at the end of the trip that you are still alive and well and have lots of energy!
-Have a sense of humor and take everything people say about your cleanse with a grain of salt.
-Relax and have FUN!!

Day 3 was definitely the hardest for me, after that the only tough time is when the late night cravings hit. but I just think about almost being done with one more day and that helps.

The salt water flush wasn't working for me. And i've heard it wasn't for everyone, so I switched to taking the tea morning and night. I may try it one more time before the cleanse is over because I really hate giving up on it.

The thing I've been craving the most out of anything is really good whole grain bread! or like, a nice crisp veggie sub on whole grain bread. mmmm

I've heard that acne gets worse before it gets better because your skin is one of the best ways that your body gets rid of toxins. This is definitely happening with me, but its not noticeably worse. Just for me it is. I'm thinking if my face isn't any better by day 10 I may go on a bit longer. I'll keep you posted on that.

Happy Monday!

-Maddy Jane

1 comment:

  1. What do you do you think are healthy practices to battle the late night cravings?
